Month: May 2012

  • Dr. Sigler to Give LALACS Keynote Address on May 9

    Join us in celebrating Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies (LALACS) seniors on May 9th 4:00-5:30 p.m. Students will give poster presentations in English, Spanish and/or French. Dr. Thomas Sigler, Visiting Professor of Geography, will give the keynote address at 5pm. Refreshments provided!

  • Geography Students Present Their Original Research

    Eleven geography majors presented their original research studies at the Celebration of Creative Inquiry on May 4, 2012. A selection of their exciting scholarship is featured below. If you’re interested in learning more, the students would be happy to discuss their research with you!

  • Gravitational Recovery and Climate Experiment

    This is a guest blog by senior Geology major Todd Kremmin as part of GEG-345 Remote Sensing of Environment. Back in March of 2002, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), which is a twin satellite project that takes detailed measurements of Earth’s gravity field. After 10…

  • Super Moon This Weekend

    Don’t forget to look for the “super moon” Saturday night:

  • Celebration of Creative Inquiry TODAY!

    The Celebration of Creative Inquiry will take place today, Friday, May 4 from 5-7 PM in the Jackson Campus Center banquet rooms. There will be over 120 posters representing students from many departments and programs in all divisions of the campus. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor the work that our students are doing.…

  • Congratulations, Meg Wika!

    Congratulations to sophomore Geography and Environmental Studies major Meg Wika for winning a Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)/German Academic Exchange Service scholarship! Meg will be studying in Freiberg, Germany, during Fall 2012. For more information, see this Gustavus (front-page!) news story.

  • MUGS 2012

    Gustavus Geography had a great showing at this year’s Midwest Undergraduate Geography Symposium (MUGS) on Saturday, April 28. Gustavus students Jory Birkeland, Emery Ellingson, and Peter Westby presented papers from their original research: Jory presented on the future of public transportation in the American West, Emery on the relationship between growth in corn ethanol and…