Year: 2013
Building Bridges Conference 2013
This year’s Building Bridges Conference is titled “Sentenced For Life: Confronting the Calamity of Mass Incarceration” and is scheduled for Saturday, March 9, 2013, at Gustavus. Check out the the schedule and purchase tickets (free for students) at the conference website: Geography major Jasmine Porter is co-chairing the conference along with Rebecca Eastwood. Go, Jasmine!
Dr. Bjelland authors urban books review
Geography Professor Mark Bjelland has published a comparative book review of Justice and the American Metropolis and Searching for the Just City: Debates in Urban Theory and Practice. The review appears in the October 2012 edition of the Journal of Regional Science.
Hip to Be Square? Maybe Not!
The advent of multi-touch displays, such as those found in iPads, has radically transformed the way we interface with spatial data. But as David Daw of PC World suggested, they are just “way too square”. For geographers, the idea of forcing a round (oblate) world onto a flat surface is nothing new. However, after centuries…
Haiti 3 years after the quake
This month marks the third-year anniversary of the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake. Ben and Alexi, two Americans living in Haiti since 2008, have a great blogpost highlighting the progress (and lack thereof) since the 2010 earthquake. They include links showing how U.S. government money was spent and a runner’s tour of post-earthquake Port-au-Prince.
Divest Gustavus looks at college investments that contribute to global warming
Widely-read author, speaker, and environmental activist Bill McKibben tweets today “Divestment comes to Minnesota–real thanks to students at Gustavus!” A group of Gustavus students is taking up McKibben’s challenge (see for college campuses to divest from companies dealing in fossil fuels. For more information, see this January 18, 2013 article in the Gustavian Weekly.
Whose ecosystem is it anyway?
Here’s a nice essay on the concept of ecosystem services and some of the problems it presents by Joy Merwin Monteiro, a PhD student at the Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. The essay is published in Dimensions, the magazine of the International Human Dimensions Programme on…