The film Connected by Coffee will be shown on Thu, Oct 9 at 7pm in the Treaty Site History Center, 1851 N. Minnesota Ave., St. Peter. Through this journey, the viewer learns how every cup of coffee we drink connects us in a very real way to the people who produce it.
Film synopsis:
Connected by Coffee follows two North American coffee roasters on a 1,000-mile journey across Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua to listen to the stories of the people who grow their coffee. On the way they meet with soldiers who have become growers, powerful women who are controlling their own destinies and countless farmers joining together to form cooperatives. We’ll witness how coffee is changing from a tool of oppression into a tool for empowerment, and how it is transforming small-scale growing communities across the world. And we’ll see the indomitable spirit of people who are determined to live joyfully in the face of economic, social, and environmental challenges.
FREE and open to the public.
Sponsored by St. Peter Food Co-op, River Rock Coffee, St. Peter Reads, Nicollet County Historical Society and St. Peter Community & Family Education.
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