Tag: University of Minnesota
Lectures on agriculture and climate change at U of MN this week
The University of Minnesota’s Larson Allmaras Lecture Eleventh Annual William E. Larson and Raymond R. Allmaras Emerging Issues in Soil and Water Lectures and Departmental Centennial Celebration “Global Climate Change and Agriculture” Dr. Ron Follett, Research Leader Soil-Plant-Nutrient Research Unit USDA-ARS Fort Collins, CO and “Nitrate Losses in the Tile Drained Cornbelt: Why are Reductions…
Kuehnast Lecture Series on Climate
The University of Minnesota held a “mini climate school” on November 9, 2012 as part of the 20th annual Kuehnast Lecture. The three informational talks on 1) climate change in Canada, 2) urban climates, and 3) severe thunderstorms and climate change are available for streaming. Past years’ talks may also be watched online.