Mark Bjelland’s new book is out! Posted on October 26th, 2009 by

Prof. Mark Bjelland’s new Human Geography textbook has been published and is now available! FellmannBjellandGetis Congratulations, Mark!



  1. Joe Lencioni says:

    Fantastic! Great work Mark.

  2. Sue McCuskey, Ph.D. says:

    Mark – I look forward to seeing the changes in the 11th edition of Fellmann’s Human Geography textbook. I was a reader for AP Human Geography in Nebraska last summer but didn’t get a chance to meet you. Human Geography is the text we use for high school students taking the AP course. In order to make the text more accessible to students, I have written a Reading Guide for each of the chapters from the 9th edition and it seems to help students stay focused while they approach each chapter. I was wondering whether McGraw Hill is planning on producing any ancillary materials such as a reading guide. Would you be interested in looking over a sample of the Reading Guide material I’ve created and if you think it is usefull, direct me to an appropriate editor?
    Thank you,
    Sue McCuskey, Ph.D. (formerly an environmental scientist)
    AP teacher
    Chattahoochee High School
    Alpharetta, Georgia

    • Hi Sue,

      Sounds great. Editors are always looking for authors for ancillary materials. My editor is Marge Kemp at McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Send me an email if you want her contact information. –Mark Bjelland