Year: 2009

  • Geography Prof. Bob Douglas Welcomes International Students

    Dressed as the early Saint Peter settler Captain Dodd, Dr. Bob Douglas led new international students on a tour of the Saint Peter area. As always Bob’s tours take students to the Minnesota River landing where it all began. Bob’s tour focused on the downtown and  the town’s historical geography. 

  • Gusties go for Geographer Graf

    Geographer Will Graf of the University of South Carolina gave the culminating lecture at the Nobel Conference 45 Banquet on October 7. His talk, “Where the Wild Things Are: Dams, Rivers, and Wildlife Preservation,” was a beautifully structured and informative overview of the state of dams and welfare of wildlife dependent on river systems in…

  • Geographer Dr. Will Graf is featured Nobel Conference Banquet Speaker

    Geographer Dr. Will Graf will be the featured speaker at the October 7 evening banquet during the 2009 Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College. Dr. Graf is the University Foundation Distinguished Professor of Geography at the University of South Carolina where he also chairs the Geography Department. Will Graf will speak on the state of…

  • Collecting Oral Histories in Haiti

    This summer, Dr. Anna Versluis continued to study land change, especially agricultural expansion into former pine forest,  in a watershed in southeast Haiti. In a previous study, Anna and a colleague used satellite images to document the region’s transition from a mixed forest and agriculture landscape in the 1970s to a landscape dominated by agriculture…

  • View Gustavus Weather Online

    Now you can check on the Saint Peter weather from the comfort of your home. The Geography Department has operated a campus weather station for decades. Students use the data for projects during GEG-108: Weather and Climate and for research projects on solar power, wind energy, hydrology, and plant growth in Saint Peter.  But in…

  • Alumnus Featured in Article on Stream Restoration Work

    Mac Cafferty (‘00) is the Environmental Resources Manager for the City of Lakeville, MN and was quoted in a July 29, 2009 StarTribune article about efforts he has led to restore meanders to the Vermillion River in order to improve trout habitat. Mac has been involved since 1999 in efforts to restore natural meanders to…

  • Art Exhibition in NYC Relies on Geographic Information Systems

    Damon Rich, an artist/urban designer has created an exhibit on the foreclosure crisis for the Queens Museum in New York City. He used a geographic information system to compute the foreclosure rate block by block for the entire region. Then, he used an old 9,000 square foot model of the city and placed plastic symbols…

  • Gusties Assemble at AP Human Geography Reading

    Four Gusties worked together at the AP Human Geography reading held at the University of Nebraska. Their task was to grade the free response questions on 59,000 AP Geography exams. Geography is a required high school subject in Texas and the State of Florida pays for all AP exams so many of the exams were…

  • Early Career Faculty Workshop

    Dr. Anna Versluis spent last week at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she participated in a workshop for early career faculty sponsored by the Geography Faculty Development Alliance (GFDA). It was an excellent week, full of meeting other new geography professors from institutions across the United States and Canada, discussing how to improve our…

  • Dr. Bjelland Visits Augustana College Geography Department

    While on a Teagle grant-related visit to Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, Dr. Bjelland got a chance to visit their well-regarded Geography Department. Augustana’s Geography Department has strong ties to Gustavus–it was a sister Swedish Lutheran college, the undergraduate home to Dr. Bob Moline, and the place where his brother Norm Moline has spent…