Geography major Stephanie Korba ’12 did a January Term career exploration under the supervision of Mr. Todd Prafke, the City Administrator for Saint Peter, MN. She researched pawn shop fees in other communities and presented her results to the City Council. She also researched access charges for connecting new developments to sewer, water, and electric, and created a transit survey for Saint Peter Transit. The Transit Survey results will help guide Saint Peter Transit in deciding how make their current system more environmentally friendly and affordable. This internship continues a long-standing relationship between the City of Saint Peter and the Gustavus geography department. Geography majors have interned with the city administrator, city planner, economic developer, and water plant. Three geography faculty have served on the city planning commission–Robert Moline, Bob Douglas, and Mark Bjelland. This spring, geography major Matthew Claypool ’12 is interning with the City of Saint Peter.

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