The Owens River in eastern California. [By Shannon1 (Own work) [GFDL (]The Owens River Valley, in California, at first the location of Paiute and Shoshone Indian people, subsequently came under the influence of white settlers who began to irrigate a variety of crops and orchards hoping the newly formed U.S. Reclamation Service would add federal funds to help pay for the irrigation. However, Los Angeles, looking ahead to a growing population, saw the Owens River as a marvelous source of municipal water, purchased (with questionable ethical behavior) the water rights to the River along with a healthy swath of riverside land. This is still a controversial and contentious water story.
Please join Robert Moline, Professor Emeritus of Geography at Gustavus, for a conversation and slide field trip on the Owens River Valley: Tuesday, October 24, 7 PM, Traverse des Sioux Room, Saint Peter Community Center.
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