Year: 2010
Dr. Lorraine Dowler Visits Gustavus
On April 22-23, 2010, the Gustavus Geography Department hosted Dr. Lorraine Dowler of Penn State University. Dr. Dowler spoke to geography classes on political tourism in Northern Ireland and Cuba. The visit was funded by the the Visiting Geographical Scientist program of the Gamma Theta Tau geography honor society, in collaboration with the local Gustavus…
The Midwest Undergraduate Geography Symposium
The sixth annual Midwest Undergraduate Geography Symposium was hosted by Macalester College on April 24, 2010. Students from six colleges and universities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois attended the day’s celebration of geography. Andrew Byron and Matt Horton of Gustavus presented their senior thesis research. Andrew’s talk was titled, “Hydrologic and Meteorologic Reconstruction of the…
Where do our current digital elevation data come from?
This blog is by Gustavus student Andrew Byron as part of his Remote Sensing of Environment class. This past February, NASA celebrated the 10th anniversary of the completion of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), an effort to remotely sense the topography of earth’s surface using shuttle-borne radar. The system actively mapped a 139 mile…
The Cartography Revolution Pt. 1: Traffic Visualization
Traffic in Lisbon – emphasis on sluggish areas from Pedro M Cruz on Vimeo.
Ground penetrating radar
This blog is by Gustavus student Ethan Degner as part of his Remote Sensing of Environment class. When you think of remote sensing, you probably think of satellites and planes taking pictures of the earth’s surface. You probably don’t think of what lies beneath ground level, and might not even care, but knowledge of what…
Minnesota River at flood stage (photos from last week)
Due to precipitation, fast snow melt and soil that was still frozen, the Minnesota River at Saint Peter was at flood stage last week. Some roads and bridges were closed, but property damage was minimal. The flood was less severe than the floods of 1997 and 2001.
Inside the displaced persons camps in Port-au-Prince
I am conducting interviews with people living in the displaced persons camps in Haiti. Here are a few photos from yesterday and today.
Prof. Anna Versluis arrives in Haiti
I’ve arrived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for a week of research on the situation after the January 12, 2010, earthquake disaster. I’m also carrying with me eight tents that students, staff and faculty at Gustavus donated to people in Haiti. The tents are in high demand! I wish you could hear people’s voices when they say,…
Accounts of Haiti’s earthquake
On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake struck near Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. The death and destruction from the earthquake are beyond comprehension. My friend Joseph writes from Port-au-Prince, “We are still here. Our house is gone but we are here. There is no food or water. We’re in the street with our children, but we’re…