Month: October 2013
Sri Lankan beach tourism: Sustainable development of the coastline
When Sri Lanka’s internal conflict ended in 2009, miles of tropical beaches became ripe for international development and tourism. In this Al Jazeera opinion piece, Geographers William Moseley and Vinad Malwatte argue that tourism development in Sri Lanka must take into account local communities and environmental impacts. They critique current plans for large resort-style hotels…
45th Annual South Dakota State Geography Convention Announced
The South Dakota State Geography Convention is the longest running student organized and sponsored annual meeting in the United States. The convention will be held on the campus of South Dakota State University on March 20-21, 2014. The convention has no registration fees, so we would love to have many students attend as this is…
Illegal Clearings in ‘Isolated Indigenous Peoples’ Reserve – Peru
Photos released by the Peruvian government confirm the presence of illegal clearings in the Kaguapakori-Nahua-Nanti Reserve (KNNR). The KNNR was created in 1990 in an effort to protect the territorial rights of the Nahua and Nanti, who had limited contact with the outside world. The creation of the Reserve was based primarily on contact between…
Salary data and trends for careers with a geography degree
There are many different occupations that require knowledge of and skills in geography. Using information from the U.S. Department of Labor, the Association of American Geographers (AAG) has compiled data on a broad list of occupations related to geography. Using this online careers database, you can explore the diversity of career opportunities available to…
Minnesota wetlands and the mystery of deformed frogs
Dr. Judy Helgen, author of Perils in the Ponds and a retired research scientist from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, will present a compelling talk concerning Minnesota’s wetlands and the deformed frog mystery along with her experience in dealing with environmental politics. Today at 7–8:30 pm Olin Hall 103, Gustavus Adolphus College
Monitoring environmental impact: The satellite revolution
Here’s an article in the Washington Post that features SkyTruth, an organization that is using satellite technology to monitor environmental impacts of mining and other extractive industries. “This is the world we’ve built for ourselves — the modern world runs on hydrocarbons — but you have to wonder, floating in a little metal box thousands…
Drugs, Guns, and US Policies in Mexico
Gustavus is proud to host human rights activist Francisco Cerezo in a talk presented by Witness for Peace of the Upper Midwest and sponsored by LALACS. What: “Drugs, Guns and U.S. Policies in Mexico” When: October 9 at 7 pm Where: Confer 127, Gustavus Adolphus College When Francisco Cerezo’s three brothers were arrested in Mexico for…
Why geographic knowledge is more important than ever
Michigan State Geography Professor Kirk Goldsberry makes the case for the importance of geographic education and spatial thinking: “In its 375 years, Harvard has only ever eliminated one entire academic program. If you had to guess, what program do you think that was and when was it killed off? “The answer: Harvard eradicated its Geography…
Geography scholar Abdi Samatar to lecture on pirates
University of Minnesota Professor of Geography Dr. Abdi Samatar will present a lecture titled “The Politics of Piracy in Somalia” at 7 p.m. Monday, October 7 in Wallenberg Auditorium, Nobel Hall, Gustavus Adolphus College. Dr. Samatar’s research focuses on the relationship between democracy and development in the Third World and Africa in particular. The lecture…
Welcome, Dr. Joaquín Villanueva
By Mitch Nelson (’14), Geography and Economics Major Join in a welcome for the new Visiting Assistant Geography Professor, Dr. Joaquín Villanueva. Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dr. Villanueva achieved his B.A. in French and Italian with a minor in Geography from the University of Puerto Rico. During his time at the…