Category: Events
Welcome Geographers
Welcome geographers and friends of geography to the 2013 academic year at Gustavus Adolphus College. The Department of Geography is proud to welcome back Anna Versluis as Department Co-Chair, Visiting Instructor Lencho Bati, Visiting Assistant Professor Ryan Bergstrom, Professors Emeriti Bob Douglas and Bob Moline, and Administrative Assistant Judy Helmeke. We are especially excited to…
West Lakes AAG Meeting
Geography students at Gustavus may be interested in attending or presenting research at the regional Association of American Geographers (AAG) conference. The West Lakes Association of American Geographers will hold their 2013 meeting 17-19 October 2013 at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire campus, a 2.5-hour drive from Saint Peter, MN. Student registration is…
Geography students to present research
Thirteen Geography majors at will take part in this year’s Celebration of Creative Inquiry. Come check out their research and show your support! What: Celebration of Creative Inquiry When: 5-7pm on Friday, May 3 Where: Gustavus Campus Center Research posters by: Brian Zabel: Spatial Analysis of Viable Locations for Future Construction of Cabela’s Retail Stores…
Undergraduate Geography Conference Held at Macalester
The annual Midwest Undergraduate Geography Symposium (MUGS) was held at Macalester College on Saturday, April 28, 2013. Gustavus Geography Professors Drs. Bjelland, Versluis, and Bergstrom attended along with eleven Geography majors. Senior Matt Bye gave an excellent presentation on the spatial distribution of Twin Cities evangelical church members, a study he has conducted with Dr.…
Upcoming events of interest to geographers
There are lots of good things happening on campus these days! Here are a number of campus events that may interest you: Film on climate change: Do the MathSunday, April 21 at 7pm in the Heritage Room See Lecture on Paraguay’s April 2013 elections and the June 2012 “coup” by Jared Larson…
Brown Bag on Fri, Apr 19
Come hear Meg Wika, Gustavus Geography and Environmental Studies major, talk about her time studying sustainability in Germany during fall 2012. Everyone invited! Bring your own lunch and enjoy good conversation and discussion. What: Brown Bag Lunch featuring Meg Wika Where: Robert Moline Map Library, Nobel Hall 104 When: Friday, April 19, 12:30-1:30
Lectures on agriculture and climate change at U of MN this week
The University of Minnesota’s Larson Allmaras Lecture Eleventh Annual William E. Larson and Raymond R. Allmaras Emerging Issues in Soil and Water Lectures and Departmental Centennial Celebration “Global Climate Change and Agriculture” Dr. Ron Follett, Research Leader Soil-Plant-Nutrient Research Unit USDA-ARS Fort Collins, CO and “Nitrate Losses in the Tile Drained Cornbelt: Why are Reductions…
Brown Bag Lunch Seminar
The Department of Geography is proud to announce the first in a series of Brown Bag Lunch seminars. The goal of the series is to promote the discipline of geography, hear speakers, and exchange ideas, while enjoying lunch or a snack. Seminars will be held at the Robert Moline Map Library in Nobel Hall. Please…
This Saturday: Building Bridges
Sentenced For Life: Confronting the Calamity of Mass Incarceration 2013 Building Bridges Conference Geography Major Jasmine Porter is the co-chair of this year’s Building Bridges Conference on the injustices of the U.S. prison system. The conference begins at 9:30am on Saturday, March 9, in Gustavus Adolphus College’s Christ Chapel. Learn more and register for the…
Geosciences take over Chapel
A trifecta of Gustavus geography and geology professors will be headlining the 10am daily Chapel time this week and next: Dr. Mark Bjelland (Geography) will be speaking on Friday, Feb. 22, Dr. Ryan Bergstrom (Geography) on Monday, Feb. 25, and Dr. Julie Bartley (Geology) on Tuesday, Feb. 26. Come join us for the Geosciences’ three-day…