Entries tagged with ‘urban geography’
Study of Gustavus Geography and Film J-Term Course Published
Many of you will remember Dr. Thomas Sigler who was a Visiting Professor of Geography at Gustavus (2011-12) and is now in the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management at the University of Queensland in Australia. The 2012 Gustavus January Term course he taught, The City as Image, the City as Subject, is the subject […]
Welcome, Dr. Joaquín Villanueva
By Mitch Nelson (’14), Geography and Economics Major Join in a welcome for the new Visiting Assistant Geography Professor, Dr. Joaquín Villanueva. Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dr. Villanueva achieved his B.A. in French and Italian with a minor in Geography from the University of Puerto Rico. During his time at the […]
Maps of the world’s urban bike share programs
Many cities around the world have bike share programs. Here, the bike docking stations for 29 of these cities are mapped, all at the same scale. “The geographic footprint of a city’s bike-sharing system can reveal both the municipality’s level of commitment to transportation alternatives as well as the topography of the surrounding area,” writes […]
Minneapolis parks rated top in the nation
USA Today reports a study that ranks the Minneapolis city park system as the best in the nation. Click here for the full article, including a map of the best and worst city park systems in the U.S. Did you know that 94% of Minneapolis’ residents live within a 10-minute walk of a park? (By […]
Quirk Becker assists Minneapolis neighborhood organization
Gustavus Geography major Miranda Quirk Becker recently completed an internship with the Corcoran Neighborhood Organization in south Minneapolis. During January 2013, Miranda undertook a project to study the the spatial distribution of conditions and rents of multifamily housing in the neighborhood. Miranda was responsible for creating high quality maps and data tables describing and analyzing […]
Prof. Bjelland to give talk on “the greenest city in the world”
Mark Bjelland (Geography) will present at Faculty Shop Talk on Friday, February 22. His talk entitled, “Sustainable for Whom? Density, Family Life, and Commuting in the Greenest City in the World” will be presented at 4:30 p.m. in the Interpretive Center. Dr. Bjelland’s study explores the successes, failures, and unintended consequences of Vancouver, British Columbia’s […]
Dr. Bjelland authors urban books review
Geography Professor Mark Bjelland has published a comparative book review of Justice and the American Metropolis and Searching for the Just City: Debates in Urban Theory and Practice. The review appears in the October 2012 edition of the Journal of Regional Science.